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The Operation To Retake Module 77: The Fate of Haruto and L-elf


9. Compulsory Assessment. Where a module has Compulsory Module Requirements, within these requirements an assessment element may be designated as compulsory where completing and passing the assessment is a precondition for successfully completing and receiving credit for the module.

10. Compulsory Class or Activity. Where a module has Compulsory Module Requirements, within these requirements a class or an activity may be designated as compulsory where attendance at the class/participation in the activity is a precondition for successfully completing and receiving credit for the module.

The The Operation To Retake Module 77

11. Compulsory Module Requirement. A requirement that is a precondition for the successful completion and award of credit for a module. They may include: a compulsory class; a prescribed class; a compulsory class.

12. Element of Assessment. A module is assessed by one or more assessment activities (e.g. examination, coursework, or practical). These activities are referred to as assessment elements and contribute to the overall assessment for the module.

13. Formative Assessment. Assessment with a developmental purpose, designed to help learners learn more effectively through practice and by giving them feedback on their performance and how it can be improved and/or maintained. Reflective practice by students sometimes contributes to formative assessment. Typically marks awarded for formative assessments do not count towards the final marks of the module.

17. Pre-Assessment Moderation. The process by which summative assessment is reviewed prior to it being provided to students to ensure it has been rigorously and appropriately designed, taking account of the agreed module learning outcomes, marking criteria and the importance of clarity for students.

18. Prescribed Class or Activity. Where a module has Compulsory Module Requirements, within these requirements a class or an activity may be designated as prescribed when a student is required to attend/participate in at least two thirds of the classes/activity. Failure to do so results in the module mark being capped at the minimum pass mark.

20. Summative Assessment. Used to indicate the extent to which a learner has met the learning outcomes of a module or course. Typically marks awarded for summative assessments count towards the final mark of the module.

25. Assessment must be designed to: be effective in encouraging a high standard and depth of learning; be authentic and reliable; be consistent in level and challenge across comparable modules; support equality, diversity and inclusion; achieve a balance between formative and summative assessments; focus on attainment in an area of learning rather than on the accumulation of marks; and encourage reflection on feedback.

26. Assessment and learning should be integrated and therefore, assessment must be designed to align with and assess the specified learning outcomes for the module and the programme. Assessment criteria should therefore be directly related to learning outcomes, and along with broader information relevant to instruction and regulation, must be transparent and explicit for all assessments.

27. Module information provided by the Faculty must specify the elements of the assessment and the weight of each element in the assessment of the module as a whole. The weights should be expressed in percentages.

33. Compulsory Module Requirements are those which are so fundamental to the learning outcomes of the module that failure to complete/pass/attend/attempt any or all of these elements would result in failure to meet the learning outcomes of the module, even if other aspects of the module have been successfully undertaken. A module may or may not have compulsory requirements.

34. Full details of any Compulsory Module Requirements should be published in the module information provided by the Faculty together with details of the consequences of failure/non-submission of these requirements, clearly indicating whether resit/reassessment is available.

38. Clear guidance should be given in module information provided by the Faculty on the process by which assignments are to be submitted. Faculties should keep a dated record of all assignments received.

40. In line with the Feedback Policy, students are entitled to receive marks and feedback on coursework in order that the assessment exercise may perform an educative function. Clear guidance should be given in student and module information provided by the Faculty on the Faculty process by which feedback on submitted work is returned to students. With the exception of dissertations, feedback should always be returned within 15 working days of submission.

48. Extensions should be requested in advance of submission deadlines for coursework but can be granted only in certain circumstances. All requests should be considered by the module co-ordinator or other designated person within the faculty. A divisional/faculty record must be kept of extensions granted.

64. Regardless of which of the three options are to be followed, the dissertation supervisor should identify the new submission date. In doing so, the supervisor should consider the date carefully to ensure that there is an equity of provision for all students in terms of time to complete the dissertation, and that any one student is not unduly advantaged or disadvantaged. Consideration should be given to the work undertaken by the student so far, and how much time remains until the original submission date. When, a new submission date has been identified, the relevant dissertation module coordinator should seek approval of the date from the Divisional/Faculty Chief Examiner.

70. The CMS marks, and only these marks, are to be used in denoting the levels of student achievement on returned assessments, at all examination boards, in all Faculty and University records and on any public notices. This is unless a module has been approved through the relevant institutional procedure as being exempt from the Common Marking Schemes and assessed on a pass or fail basis only due to the nature of the content of the module and the learning outcomes and competencies to be achieved and assessed. Academic Council delegates authority to the Education and Student Experience Committee, during the specified programme approval processes, to designate modules as exempt from the Common Marking Schemes where its application is inappropriate. The circumstances in which cases are to be considered must relate to the nature of the academic discipline and to the learning outcomes and competencies being assessed.

74. To protect students from unfair or partial assessment and staff from accusations of bias, anonymous marking must be used in assessing all coursework and examinations, including essays, laboratory work and field work, save where this is quite impossible (for example, in live oral language examinations, dissertations and group work). When anonymous marking is not practiced, the reason(s) must be explained clearly in module information provided by the Faculty, and appropriate steps taken to safeguard the impartiality of the assessment process. The sections within this policy on Moderation and Second Marking are relevant to this point.

76. The purpose of pre-assessment moderation is to ensure that: summative assessment is appropriately designed, in an academically rigorous manner with reference to the agreed module learning outcomes and marking criteria; the assessment question(s) and instructions are clear and unambiguous; students can be provided with assurance in relation to the design of their assessments.

78. Pre-assessment moderators are expected to have experience of teaching and learning and have relevant subject knowledge. Moderators need not be involved in the delivery of the relevant module, but where detailed subject knowledge is essential to determine the suitability of an assessment, then the use of staff teaching on a module is appropriate.

79. Pre-assessment moderation should take place on the basis of: this policy; the stated assessment, the common marking scheme; and the module descriptor, including the learning outcomes, and should consider whether:

88. Where there are conflicting marks arising between first and second marker, in the first instance both markers should discuss the differences and agree a final mark. Where agreement cannot be reached the Divisional Chief Examiner must be informed and must then appoint a third marker who is independent, in that they have not previously been involved in the marking process. The results of all three assessments must then be considered by the Divisional Chief Examiner to arrive at a final decision. All such decisions should be reported to the relevant module or award Board of Examiners.

89. The post-assessment moderation process ensures that (first and second) marking is consistently robust and undertaken appropriately in line with assessment criteria on a module. The aims of post-assessment moderation are to: ensure a module has been marked in line with the stated assessment criteria; ensure internal consistency and fairness of assessment within a module; provide assurance for students of fairness and equality of grading.

92. Post-assessment moderation is undertaken through sampling and focuses on EITHER a sample of assessed work from each component of assessment as the assessments occur during a module OR a sample of the full set of assessed work for a module, when that becomes available.

101. Where the post-assessment moderation process results in a recommendation being made to change the assessment marks or final module grades, this should in the first instance be discussed and agreed with the Module Coordinator. Where agreement cannot be reached between the moderator and the Module Coordinator, the relevant Board of Examiners (module or award) must be invited to consider the post-assessment moderator feedback and reach a final decision. Any suggested amendments must be applied to the whole module enrolment or part thereof and with the approval of the Module Board and External Examiner. 2ff7e9595c


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