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May The Fourth Be With You 3: Why Star Wars Day is More Than Just a Pun


JC: Utilizing something similar to the electricity of lighting is on the right track. But plasma would be difficult to contain. For everything we do in the lab generating plasma, we use a chamber. We want to bombard a surface with a specific type of atom, so we pull a vacuum and generate a plasma in that vacuum chamber. The open-air part is tricky.

May The Fourth Be With You 3

Thanks to the pun "May the fourth be with you," we now have Star Wars Day, which has become more like a real holiday in recent years. (Get it? It's a play on "may the Force be with you.") The event's become even bigger since Disney purchased Lucasfilm and the Star Wars movie franchise in 2012. Since then, May 4 has been a major platform for Star Wars merchandise sales and fan events, with states like California enshrining May 4 as an official Star Wars Day holiday. But the actual origins of Star Wars Day and "May the fourth be with you," stretch all the way back to the 1970s, when it was first popularized by an unexpected source: Margaret Thatcher and the United Kingdom's Conservative Party.

According to, who cite Alan Arnold's 1980 book Once Upon a Galaxy: A Journal of the Making of The Empire Strikes Back, "May the 4th be with you" first emerged in the mainstream pop culture on May 4, 1979. On that day, Margaret Thatcher became the first woman Prime Minister of the U.K. after the Conservatives defeated the Labour Party government in a general election.

To celebrate, the Tories took out a newspaper ad, which declared, "May The Fourth Be With You, Maggie. Congratulations." The Force was indeed with Thatcher, with the day inaugurating the longest Ministry of the 20th century.

The pun on "May the Force be with you" popped up several more times over the years, including once more in a U.K. parliamentary debate, but wouldn't be directly linked with a Star Wars-themed holiday until 2008, when a Facebook group celebrating "Luke Skywalker Day" adopted the May the Fourth slogan. Since then, May 4 has been a consistent day for fandom celebration, with Disney joining in from 2013 on.

1. May the Fourth be with you. Celebrating the Star Wars film franchise, Star Wars Day is observed by fans on May the Fourth, an obvious pun on the popular Jedi phrase "May the Force be with you." Taking puns a step further, May 5 has come to be called "Revenge of the Fifth," a play on "Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith," a day for fans to join the "dark side" and celebrate the Sith lords from the Star Wars movies.

It is very much OK to mourn over this season. We all have good reason to. The gravitas of this pandemic has been heavy, if not, straight-up scary. Yet, the Lord is so good to be with us through all emotions. He promises to never fail us and will see us through this life on earth (John 14:1-4; Matthew 28:20). does not necessarily endorse or agree with every message or perspective in the diverse links posted. By providing these links, we hope to help you stay informed of important events and conversations taking place in the world that are relevant to the Christian faith.Rise of Skywalker is rated PG-13 for sci-fi violence and action. The image above credited to Lucasfilms.

We know people who join recreational leagues just to obtain t-shirts to add to their collection. If you care about your friends, save them from joining that bowling league and instead get them this Yoda Star Wars shirt without the weekend commitment to the lanes.

This party pack contains crayons, a sticker pack, and eight coloring pages. Give one to each of your 24 best friends, be the MVP of your work place when you leave them in the break room to be fought over by co-workers, or expose a whole new generation to the Force with these fun party packs when you send them to school with your kid.

But before you sit down for a Star Wars movie marathon this weekend, or try to make your own version of bantha milk, keep reading to see which Star Wars character we think might best align with your retirement goals.

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A long time ago, in a galaxy not so far away, a fandom was born. Now, every year on May 4, Star Wars fans don lightsabers and stormtrooper costumes to attend Star Wars movie marathons, themed parties and trivia nights, and utter to one another this message of well wishes: May the 4th be with you.

Star Wars Day is May 4, and Denver is celebrating with a host of activities, from the annual ART WARS celebration to a Mandalorian-themed paint and sip night. Check out our list of ways to celebrate below, and may the force be with you all!

What: ART WAR is an annual art show and party that kicked off in Denver and has since spread to other cities. Throughout the week, you can check out Star Wars-inspired art by more than 25 local artists. And on May 4, celebrate Star Wars Day at the annual ART WAR party featuring with themed cocktails, an art raffle, DJs, food and drink specials and a costume contest.

Aside from official in-person events, Disney has largely celebrated Star Wars Day by historically using it as a catch-all for Star Wars-related media releases. The company has been doing this for at least a few years, beginning with the finale of Star Wars: The Clone Wars dropping on Disney+ on May 4, 2020. In addition to this, Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker (2019) and the documentary series Disney Gallery: The Mandalorian (2020) were also released to Disney+ on Star Wars Day 2020. Star Wars: The Bad Batch, a limited series spin-off of The Clone Wars, was released on May 4, 2021. Most recently, a trailer for the latest Star Wars installment, the limited Disney+ series Obi-Wan Kenobi, was revealed on Star Wars Day 2022.

During the line, General Dodonna encouraged the fighters before assaulting the Death Star saying, "then man your ships! And may the Force be with you."

Star Wars is nearly unparalleled as a brand so popular that other brands (whether or not they have a cross-promotional deal) draft in its wake by paying tribute. That all comes to a head on May 4 (as in "May the Fourth be with you"), a fan-created holiday that has picked up steam and become all but official.

Do, or do not. There is no try. Stay in the know and connect with HeinOnline on our social media platforms: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and YouTube.

The NFL recently updated their concussion protocol after Tua Tagovailoa, Miami Dolphins starting quarterback suffered two back to back head injuries within four days of each other. This sparked an investigation to the NFL concussion protocol.

This great quote will stick with us for aeons. The purpose of the positioning is to sell yourself and your product only to those who have the same position: attitude to life, value system, level of intelligence, wealth, etc. Positioning allows you to be heard, while the absence of a position will drag you down like the bogs of Dagobah.

A Jedi marketer must be creative, and unafraid to make bold decisions to attract clients. There are 2 kinds of marketers: some come up with ideas and implement them themselves, while others just do what the management says.

These are adorable little cookies! I went to a house party just the other day for a May 4 party! The hostess started us off with sushi and soda for the meal. Afterwards, we also snaked on Star Wars cookies! It was a fun day for sure!

There are three certainties in life: Death, taxes and most importantly, Minor League promotions.'s Ben Hill has the inside scoop on the latter, and he'll be sharing the best with us and you each and every week. Check out a few upcoming promos below and read his full recap right here. You can follow Ben on Twitter @Bensbiz.

Very few teams are about to squander one of their premier theme night promotions on a Monday, that most dreary of weeknights. But many are keeping with the "May the Fourth" spirit by staging "Star Wars" promotions over the preceding weekend. The Force Awakens in the Minor Leagues, in other words. From now through the end of August, "Star Wars" theme nights will be happening across the country at a fast and furious clip (sorry, wrong movie franchise). 2ff7e9595c


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