Chess has always had an image problem, being seen as a game for brainiacs and people with already high IQs. So there has been a bit of a chicken-and-egg situation: do smart people gravitate towards chess, or does playing chess make them smart?
Its primary goal is to allow two persons to play a round of chess, no matter whether they happen to be at the same location or on a different continent. It's designed to be platform independent and to run on every computer or smart phone equipped with a modern web browser and thus enabling people everywhere around the globe to play chess, at home and on the go, online and offline.
2 Player Chess For Free
When playing, you can se a little light bulb (?) on the bottom left, allowing you to switch on 'awareness mode'. This special mode colorizes the fields depending on which player has more pieces that can access it: Green means that white has more control over a field and red means black. Blue means both players have an equal number of pieces that can possibly strike on it. The richer and darker the color, the more pieces have access.
Its minimalistic approach sets it apart from most of the other chess implementations on the internet. They usually use browser plugins like Adobe Flash or even client software to realize the game itself and offer a variety of features around it: news, riddles, communities and dozens of little gadgets.
Due to this complexity they often take a lot of clicks to get a game started, they tend to react slowly and are often cluttered with ads. Some even require registration fees in order to be able to play a game. PlainChess is free, fast and built on modern web technologies but on the other hand also passes on features beyond basic gameplay.
I'm Tim Wölfle from Germany and wanted to try out the new possibilities HTML5 technologies offer. At the same time I wanted to play a quick round of chess with a friend on the internet, but didn't find anything that would allow me to start right away and without registration.
If a resign (or timeout) occurs before all players have made at least 3 moves and no one has points yet, and the player that resigned wasn't in check, the game will be aborted and he or she will lose rating. (For some variants and bullet games: first move only.)
IMPORTANT: Players must think independently. It is prohibited to suggest moves and/or coordinate attacks using chat (or other means of communication) during FFA 4PC games! Also players may not discuss blunders which can be fixed, but may discuss what already happened and cannot be undone. If you break this rule you will be chat-banned or even play-banned! Examples of prohibited phrases: "Check red", "Let's attack green together", "I won't take your queen", "Mind your rook", "Protect your pawn", "Mate in 2", "Resign!", "Don't resign". You can use these and similar phrases in chat after a game, but not during a game.
IMPORTANT: It is prohibited to ask other players to give you points! For example: "Give me 7 points and I will resign.", "Just 5 points, ple-e-ease!" You can be chat-banned for doing this.
You can play chess online in your web browser with any of these games. Improve your chess skills in a variety of game modes from online to local multiplayer and singleplayer vs the computer. Sort by 'most played' for the most popular chess games.
In this games collection, you'll find a variety of fun chess games to play. If you're looking to play against other chess players online, the most popular online chess game is Master Chess. Another popular chess game with a multiplayer game mode is Spark Chess.
Chess is a skill game where practice directly improves gameplay. Practice chess for free in the game Chess Challenges. There are many situational challenges to work through that test your ability to make the optimal play and get your opponent in checkmate (while avoiding it yourself!).
Unlike most regular games where the AI is as dumb as a rock, computers have been destroying the best players at chess since Deep Blue beat the world champion, Garry Kasparov, in 1997. Since then, chess engines have dominated the world's greatest players, leading to the rapid advancement of chess game theory.
Chess is a skill-based board game played between two players. It's a game that's induced both frustration and success in many of the world's top players, from Magnus Carlsen to Hikaru Nakamura. It has long been seen as an intellectual game, but anyone can learn and improve with practice!
Use your mouse to move your Chess pieces across the board. Your objective in Chess is to get a checkmate. To land a checkmate, you\u2019ll need to get your opponent\u2019s King into a position where it can be captured, and cannot be freed by the opponent\u2019s next move.\r\n\r\nEach piece on the board moves differently. When your piece moves into a square that is currently occupied by an opponent's piece, you will capture that piece. Here is how each piece moves:\r\n\r\n\r\n\tPawns can only move forward one square at a time, except on the first turn when they can move ahead two. However, they cannot move forward into a square that is occupied by another piece. Instead, they capture by moving diagonally forward one tile.\r\n\tRooks can move any amount of squares, but only forward, backwards or sideways.\r\n\tBishops can also move any amount of squares, but only diagonally. Note: a Bishop will remain on squares of the same color it started on. \r\n\tKnights move in an \u201cL\u201d shape: two squares in one direction then another at a 90 degree angle. Knights are the only pieces that can move over other ones on the board. \r\n\tThe King can move one square at a time in any direction. However, you won't be able to move your King into a position where it'll be in check.\r\n\tThe Queen can move in any direction and move as many squares as possible - as long as it doesn\u2019t move through any of its own pieces. \r\n\r\n\r\nDon\u2019t forget: Chess is a game of logical thinking and strategic planning. You\u2019ve got to get those mental muscles moving if you want to best your opponent! \r\n\r\nChess Tips & Tricks\r\n\r\nStudy the board. Take a moment to consider your options before making your move. It\u2019s ideal to move to a spot that puts any of your opponent\u2019s pieces under attack, but be careful you don\u2019t set yourself up for a loss!\r\n\r\nWatch your opponent\u2019s moves carefully. Stay focused and keep an eye on what kind of moves your opponent makes. Don't move into squares where they can capture your pieces, unless you see a potential advantage. Use their movements to come up with your own strategy for taking down each of their pieces. With enough practice, you\u2019ll be able to predict your opponent's moves based on how the board is set up each turn.\r\n\r\nCastle your King early. Protecting your King is your number one objective, so as soon as you see an opportunity to castle, you should. To castle, you must first clear all of the space between your King and one of your Rooks. This will open up special move options for your King. Note: Castling can only be done if neither your King and Rook have moved. \r\n\r\nPawns can become Queens (or most any other piece). If you can manage to get one of your pawns across the board to your opponent's back row, you can \"promote\" them into any other piece except a King. Simply choose the new piece you'd like them to become. You can even have \"extra\" Queens or other pieces!\r\n\r\nDon\u2019t be afraid to make sacrifices. In any game, you will lose some of your pieces to your opponent. An experienced Chess player will sometimes sacrifice lower-ranking pieces in order to save those that are more useful. When deciding which pieces to sacrifice, it can help to count the points. Watch this video to learn more about the point system.\r\n\r\nPractice makes perfect! As with any game, the more you play, the more you\u2019ll learn. Chess isn\u2019t meant to be mastered after the first game. It takes years of hard work and practice. Keep on playing and maybe someday you\u2019ll be a Chess master, too!\r\n\r\nGo here to read more about playing Chess and learn a thing or two from one of the masters.\r\n" } } , { "@type":"Question", "name":"What do you learn from playing Chess?", "acceptedAnswer":{ "@type":"Answer", "text":"Chess is one of the best games for developing critical thinking and decision-making skills. Playing Chess consistently will help players learn to prioritize certain information and keep track of many moving pieces. All of this together means players develop the ability to analyze lots of information and then come up with the best decisions. While this is a learning process, playing chess often can help players reinforce these skills faster and then apply them to everyday life.
The reason that Chess is so hard is that there are so many different options available at almost every move. There are literally hundreds of different openings that players can make, each with their own strengths and weaknesses.
However, trying out odd and less well-known openings can be a great way to throw newer players off. Maybe try something like the English Opening, an opening where players start out with Pawn to c4. This flanks the opponent, as well as allows players to get their Queen out early.
A similar opening move is the Dutch Attack, where players begin by moving their white pawn to f4. This allows players to flank their opponent's center Pawns if they choose to try and control the middle.
Chess is one of the best games for developing critical thinking and decision-making skills. Playing Chess consistently will help players learn to prioritize certain information and keep track of many moving pieces. All of this together means players develop the ability to analyze lots of information and then come up with the best decisions. While this is a learning process, playing chess often can help players reinforce these skills faster and then apply them to everyday life. 2ff7e9595c